The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sun Shines One

Sun starts the new day

The new day waits,

and bird sing to announce

your new day!

You can create a nice one,

or a challenging one,

a happy one,

or a sad one.

You may not believe or understand this,

but the day you create today -

you will experience in the future.

And if you have a sad one,

or even worse - you have a bad one.

You created that day many months,

maybe years ago!

SO try to be peaceful.

Try very much to be happy.

Make others smile as much as you can!

Because this is how to create a beautiful day.


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