The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Why I am Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Moslem - There is No Conflict at All.

The teachings are in complete alignment.

Buddha came about 500 years before my master teacher.

They now call him Jesus Christ.

This is not his real name at all.

His real name is Yeshua (approximate English pronunciation).

He was not that tall.

He did not look like the artistic renderings of him that came much later.

Just like the Buddha, he went everywhere by walking.

He carried almost nothing with him.

When a person has enough trust, they are completely free.

They do not need the burden of carrying anything.

He did not want temples and preferred to talk to everyone outside.

He did not judge anyone.

He wanted to talk to the most poor, even criminal, discarded people.

Why would he do that?

Why would the Buddha give up a life as a prince of royalty with every possible need cared for?

At first this seems insane.

I was not here in the time that the Supreme Buddha was alive.

I was here when Yeshua (Jesus) was alive. 

I can remember this like it was yesterday.

I know the truth about parts of his life now so distorted.

I was not important at all. But I was there.

For example, his birthday was not December 25.

That is a fake date used by Constantine to make the Christian religion the official religion of the Romans.

My teacher was born in springtime. 

He was born in March around the first day of spring.

It was also the same date as the birth date of the Buddha.

The missing years of the life of Jesus is when he went east to learn the teachings of the Supreme Buddha.

They are the same energy.

They express the same values.

They are very humble.

They do not seek wealth, glory, temples, or money.

They walk.

They walk and talk the same.

When they talk, it is outside and thousands paid attention.

Even the record of what they did, that is so distorted, continues to have importance to us today.

There is no conflict at all between Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and even Islam.

A person simply needs to use common sense.

The parts that are distorted should be discarded.

It is natural that the telling and re-telling creates distortion.

Use common sense, check with your inner feelings.

When reading something ask yourself, is it true or not?

Then find the essence in all the major religions. 

The core essence is the real teaching, the rest is complete garbage.

By taking this path, in the most sincere and direct way, you will see this for yourself.

You do not need to believe in anything.

This is one of the most clear direct quotes from what the Buddha said:

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it,
no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense."


By the way, God is not a male. That is insulting and so stupid.

Better to think of God as an energy that can simply be noticed in the difference between being alive or dead. 

That is the true essence of what God really is.

It is very big and very strong.

Anyone or anything that tells you to hurt, attack, or do bad things in the name of God are complete liars.

Do not do any harm.

Use love, compassion, and forgiveness instead.

God is about life, love, growing, forgiving, and being happy.

All Blessings and Peace Profound


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