Love is a Rainbow

Love is a rainbow, glistening in the surf
that washes onto the shores of the heart.
It caresses the soft golden sand of the soul,
going out once again to renew and return once more.
Both ever present and eluding, never far away,
yet impossible to grasp.
To catch a glimpse of love, is the twinkle of an eye.
Behold its sacredness and you see the face of God.
In each and every person you encounter, the seed of love is there.
When it grows, its magnificence abounds,
beyond the reaches of time or space.
It is everywhere, it is no where, amidst, and in-between the lines.
In the silence of the moment,
find love in your beloved.
This is beyond all treasure.
It is this spirit of living energy,
that your heart does embrace.
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