The Bunny and the Puppy

There once was a bunny. He was not an ordinary bunny. No, not at all. He was very different. Some thought he was really cool, others just thought he was crazy. He was always alone and it seemed as if he did not to care at all about almost anything. Even if he had troubles with some he met that did not like him, he didn't mind. He just went on about his business. There were plenty of other bunnies to play with and he could have a lot of fun with them, but soon they would go away to play with bunnies other than him. That was because, well ... that's the way bunnies are, they run around a lot and play with a lot of other bunnies, never staying in one place or with anyone very long.
Then one day, this bunny saw a puppy. Now this puppy was hanging out with a group of other puppies. They were all very cute. But this one special puppy was the cutest of them all. There was something very wonderful and different about him. He was really popular amongst the puppies, but the bunny noticed he was also very sad. The bunny wondered why the other puppies did not notice this one special puppy, who was so cute, was also a bit sad. Everyone knows that puppies like to hang out together in groups, even if they always tease each other and bite at each other's ears. That was because, well ... that is the way puppies are, they always run in packs, and they follow the leader who is not necessarily the best one, but who is the most dominant of the group. If the leader of the puppy group barks that all the others should do this or that, to act in one way or another, the funny thing is, that none of the puppies question this. They simply go along with the ideas of the leader, even if he gets his stupid ideas from watching TV.
But something happened on that day when the bunny saw the puppy, something special and wonderful. It was like a thing that happened that no one could predict and no one besides the bunny and puppy would understand. There is no explaining it. When the puppy and the bunny saw each other, well, they fell in love.
Nobody would understand why the bunny and the puppy were in love. So they decided to keep it a secret. Their love was even more special because it was a secret.
Now the bunny and the puppy live happily ever after, because they both know the meaning of true love. They don't care at all if others would not understand how a bunny could love a puppy. It is not important. The only thing that matters at all is that they love each other more than anything in the whole wide world.
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