The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Monday, March 07, 2016

Being a Hippy

Peace to All

I am a hippy now in the greatest sense of the word.

I do not:
Wear rainbow-colored clothes
Take lots of drugs
Listen to music all day
Forget to bathe
Beg for money
Protest anything

What I do is this:
Love the earth
Have compassion for everyone
Make animals my friends
Live in a simple way that is peaceful
Share my views with others
Share everything I have with others

In the 1960's, a revolution began.
It had a good intentions, but the results were misguided.

Many say we failed.
Most became corrupt to eventually join the "system." 

The hippies disappeared. But, did we?

In America, being a hippy now means the same as before...
being a target for attack by the military/industrial complex.

Hippies are now called the "baby-boomers."

Adult Americans, currently between the ages of 45 to 70 are in this group.

This is why I left America.

I love America, but I became ashamed of what America has done.

I became ashamed that all the hippies I know "sold out,"
to bec0me a part of the system.

The "establishment" became very clever in USA.

They convinced everyone that houses cost over US$1 million and
rent should be $1,000+ per month.

This is only one of the greatest lies.

They went to war based on lies and
killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

They destroyed our food.

They stole our liberties in new ways. 

There were not hundreds of thousands of people publicly protesting,
because they figured out the "hippy" movement could be corrupted.

Credit cards, mortgages, government checks, and more
are all a part of a totally fake system.

Anyone trapped in it, has a very difficult time seeing the trap they are in.

We need to make America great again,
not by going to war or building walls...
but by realizing truth.

This was the essence of the hippy movement,
before drugs and corruption of ideals took over.


All Blessings and Peace Profound


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