A Hole is a Mountain Upside Down

Whatever love was missing from your life before,
I will fill your heart with love now,
to make up for all you missed.
The missing love was like a big deep hole in your heart.
At first I only had a spoon.
And I took the spoon and began to put love into the hole.
It was pretty deep so I knew it might take me a long time to fill it up.
Now I have a shovel and each day I put in more and more love.
Soon I will have a bulldozer,
then I will be able to fill this hole in your heart,
with so much love that it will be completely full.
Then the hole will be gone forever.
But I will not stop there.
I will continue to pile love upon love.
Until there is a great mountain where the hole used to be.
A mountain built of love.
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