The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Wonders of Paradox and Polarity

At one time in the past, reincarnation was part of Master Jesus' teachings. He even said, he would come again to this Earth. The Ecumenical Council meeting of the Catholic Church in Constantinople sometime around 553 A.D., called the Council of Nicea, was a huge debate. They wanted to decide what part of the ancient writings that they would include in the bible and what would be left out. Most of the apocrypha was left out. Especially the story of Mary Magdalena. The information about reincarnation was also removed.

Please notice these writings were made hundreds of years after Master Jesus left. The intentions were good, but the story was changed. The story became: 1) we live, 2) we choose, 3) we die, 4) we go to either heaven or hell for eternity. And we never get a second chance. Our beloved God is much kinder than that. He sent the son Master Jesus to give us all a second chance, maybe a third one, or a twelfth one. If we continue to make mistakes, we stay stuck in hell on Earth.

After I have been here for such a long time, life after life that I remember in detail I noticed one thing that is terrific. The most humble ones, who think they are bad students are the best ones for the teachers to work with. You are one of these people for sure, so simply be patient with yourself.

I learned from the Supreme Buddha directly how to completely turn of all thoughts. I complained about this. He laughed so much. I said I was looking for Nirvana, “Where is it? He said, "Did you turn off all thoughts? I said, "Yes." He asked, "Did you suffer more?" I said, "No I did not suffer at all." He asked me, "Why are you complaining?" I said, "It is so boring." He laughed again, so much.

I thought the "Nirvana" was like a magical heaven, where I could have a really great time. It turns out to be a stopping of every sensation that allows 100% internal peace. It is like nothing is happening. It is really boring.

That is why they left me here on Earth. There is a word for this called "Bodhisattva." This is a person who chooses intentionally to stay here on Earth/hell to help people and all sentient beings. A famous one is Quan Yin, sometimes spelled GuanYin. She came back many times, sometimes as a man, sometimes as a female.

They let me be bad, good, confused, and running around like a monkey looking for the next banana. I prefer to be kind and to help others. Therefore, I am training to be Bodhisattva. To do this, a person must make many mistakes.

How can you "Love your enemies," if you do not understand what caused them to be so bad in the first place? 
I do not want to be like them; however, I do need to understand them, in order to be able to forgive them.

This is not an easy path and takes many lifetimes to try to get good. Every life, the mistakes add up and the next one is a long list of all the stupid things done wrong. It is a big challenge to fix the damage.

I am getting older in this lifetime. Not so much more to do in this life. I die at 4:47 a.m. from a sudden heart attack. I know how, but I do not know when. Don't be sad, because I will come right back here again. I was told the next life I will be female and in India, maybe Bangladesh. 

You will recognize me because I will work in three ways that are very unusual:
1) I will search for the seeds of flowers that grow wild and collect them. And then I will give them away and teach people how to nurture them to make more flowers.
2) Butterflies will follow me everywhere.
3) Birds will always be chirping happily nearby wherever I am.

If you find this woman, with these things happening around her, you will know it is me returned again.

I put this down on March 29, 2016 as proof that reincarnation is real and I will try to do my best in the next life.

This is my photo in this life:

You will be able to find me by the name of flower in the Hindi language, it sounds like "phool." It looks like this...

By this method, that I write before I die, I will prove reincarnation is true. I do not know when I die in this life. It could be tomorrow or in fifty years from now. Just look for a woman named "Phool" sometime in the future and it will be me.

Most of the ones I hurt during this lifetime are already dead, so I have to come back again to try to gain forgiveness from them. The first challenge in that effort is to find them, because they are not the same people. They might even be an animal. It is very difficult to find them again. I have been doing this for over 5,500 years so far.

My Master Yu, activated my hands sometime last week.

We only want to spread loving energy to everyone in the world.
Master Yu offered this to me 16 years ago, when he was still alive.

I finally agreed, but I asked for a small amount of the "chi" energy.
 This energy is electro-magnetic. Too much and my computer will no longer work, so I would not even be able to write this blog post.

Well, the energy came into my hands, like a fire, but not hot, like electricity and it was REALLY strong.

I watched the beautiful video of how the Falun Gong Dafa exercises work with the energy to move it around. I practiced the movement of the wonderful Falun Gong and my hands started to calm down. This is exactly the same energy. I had too much so I needed to move some around.

My hands were in great pain right after the activation, until I started to move the energy around. The Falun Gong practice helps me so much.

Please do not worry about anything. It took me 16 years to accept a gift from a great master. For whatever time I am here in this lifetime, I will do my best to use this energy to help others. 
Everyone reading this still has plenty of time to do great things in this life.

Confusion is part of it.
Everything here is a paradox- a combination of things that seems too mixed up. It is also a polarity - hot and cold, male and female, up and down, yin and yang. No wonder we get confused.

The insights come from seeing that a thing, government, system, animal, or person can be both at the same time - smart and forgetful, brilliant and stupid, loving and hurtful and so on.

If you can accept in yourself that, you are a little bit broken or make mistakes some times, then learn from them, it is easier to forgive others.


Blogger Matt Hammond said...

... a "Phool" is born every minute!
I hope I'm around long enough to meet you as "Phool",
but also hope it's still a while before you return as Phool!

11:11 PM  

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