The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hilterly or Dhrump?

Hilary or Donald? - Both seem to lead to WW III.

Hilary was participatory in the global mess, created by the lies of the Bush Jr. administration, which led us into a war against Iraq for FALSE reasons.

Just ask yourself – When did America attack any country FIRST before they attacked us, on the presumption of having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that never existed.

George Bush, Jr. - You are a war criminal, plain and simple.

So my friends, the Republicans messed up the oil grab (why did not we keep it?) and the criminal Democrats messed it up even more by leaving. This leads to global war on a massive scale. God Damn them all to hell for causing this. There is not going to be any winner in WW III.

Remember Einstein? He was a really smart thinker. He said, "I am not sure what weapons will be used in WW III, but WW IV will be fought with stick and stones."

I always hear, in the American media, about the Americans that died in these recent wars and I start crying uncontrollably. Those were our young adults, men, and women, who love the USA so much they are willing to go all over the earth defending it. And some were my closest personal friends. They are now dead.

I do not blame them, I applaud them, and before I would have been the hippie that was against them. As I got older, I realized it is not the young people causing the problem. It is the evil politicians that create this mess, which we all allow to be in charge.

In this life (and I have been on Earth a very long time), I made the effort to visit more than 150 countries. I intentionally lived with many poor people. I talked to them.

I can tell you there is no basic difference between human beings that come from different countries or ideology. The stupid ones repeat what they hear others say, that is all. If you simply sit with them and let them speak to you, it is easy to learn they have the exact same basic desires as every other human being on the Earth.

I was in the Middle East. This is what I said, “Go ahead chop off my head if you wish. However, I would kindly request you give me the chance to hear everything you want to say to me and specifically how much you hate about the USA before you chop off my head. My ears are open, but they will not work if my head is disconnected from my body. If I cannot hear you, I have no chance whatsoever to try to understand and help you.”

I said this directly to major world leaders and Kings in the Middle East. They were shocked! My point was, America should be a society about listening. We have forgotten this is our greatest strength. We NEVER agree. However, we let others speak. Freedom of speech is one of the very best things Americans have. Every American would improve the situation if they listened more.

I am a pacifist, but I am also courageous. I follow Gandhi’s example. Go ahead and beat me down, but you cannot beat down the idea that comes from the truth of love for the human race. This cannot be beaten down.

Nevertheless, many were sent to die, based on a lie. To kill and die based on a lie.

George Bush Jr. is a war criminal and he knows it. He is afraid to leave the USA because he will be immediately arrested and tried, exactly as the Nazis were.

Moreover, hundreds of thousands of civilians died now, and millions more are running away from the Middle East to save their lives. America created ISIS - it is our fault. One hundred billion dollars helping those people would have made them our friends. One hundred trillion dollars will not help now. When you kill another - you kill yourself. This world is our family! We seem to be on a suicidal mission that will kill the entire human race.

Even if "The Donald" makes nice with Vladimir Putin, he also promises to destroy trade with China. This means WW III is USA in alignment with Russia against China. China and Russia are brutal! Guess what Americans, so are we!

When did America change? In the 1960's we PROTESTED WAR and wanted Peace - WE ARE THE BABY BOOMERS - WE ARE NOW IN CHARGE!

Step up and get ready to protest again because war is coming. This one may kill us all.

I would rather die than kill another person. Go ahead, chop off my head, rape my mother, or burn my children in ovens. I am strong enough to kill anyone I want. I REFUSE TO DO THIS. However, I will knock anyone out and give my life to prevent another from being killed in front of my eyes. Yes. Being a pacifist does not mean that I am a coward. I will protect the innocent with all my strength and all my life, but I will not kill to do this. Because if I kill, if I kill the others, I become like them.

This is why I refuse to do this. There are always some, who are part of any opposition side in any conflict, who may also be innocent; I want to protect them as well. The innocent children of the Nazis come to mind. Or Hitler’s love of his dogs. The dogs did nothing wrong. When Hitler loved them, he showed even the most evil person on the earth has some small part of love in his heart.

I can always come back, but the karma of killing someone needs many lives to repair. This is why I refuse to do this. However, if you try to rape a woman in front of me, I will knock you out so immediately and hit your balls so badly with a blunt blow from my fists that you will wish you were dead. I will not kill you, but I will stop you.

This is the very fine line between defense versus offense. America crossed the line and is now on the attack as an offensive power, even using drones to kill with technology like a video game. This only makes WW III more likely.

Would you continue to hit yourself in the head repeatedly, with a hammer?
If you were mentally ill, you would appreciate it, if your friends took the hammer away.

We cannot let these maniacs destroy the human race.

It is time to tell them to get out of the driver's seat of the car that is heading to take the human race over a cliff for mass destruction.

We need to take away the keys and tell them a responsible driver is now in charge.

People are beautiful! Just go around the world and see the regular people, not the politicians. The regular people are beautiful and YOU ARE ONE OF THEM.

I love you.
Please do everything you can to save the human race from WW III.
I beg you.

All Blessings and Peace Profound,

P.S. My write-in candidate for the 2016 ballot for President of the United States is Michael Moore. King George of England did not give us a chance to vote for George Washington and yet, George Washington was the first president of these United States! Anything is possible when truth is on your side.


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