You Saw My Heart

You love me because you saw my heart.
It is inside and not outside.
It is NOT material things.
It is NOT what you see.
It is what you feel.
I am NOT the pretty girl that you like to fuck,
but also that same girl that BREAKS your heart.
I do NOT break your heart, I heal your heart!
I am NOT the one that abandons you,
when you have troubles.
I stay beside you, even I am very far away.
I am NOT the one that judges you,
when you make mistakes.
I AM the one that loves you truly,
just like before (many times before).
Even you lie, you have problems, you are frustrated, and you are sad.
I AM the one that loves you through all of this life AND BEYOND.
Just like before, it is again.
That is the love you have from me.
And that is why you love me too.