The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Friday, March 31, 2006


Two in love,
face to face,
heart to heart,
body to body,
with nothing in between.

No one can separate them,
or reduce their love for each other.

One older, one younger.
The younger so beautiful,
the older a bit wiser.
In this way, they complete each other.
Each has the part, the other is missing.

This means they are a perfect match.

They are strong.
They are united.
They live for the happiness,
they can create for the other.

They make each other smile.

They know in order to create happiness,
it takes two people to do it.
One is not enough!
It is impossible to do it alone.
But two are enough for eternity.

Even though they are different,
they are equal.
Because they are both deeply in love,
with the one who loves them most.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Climb Any Mountain!

Life goals are like mountains.

If you want to get to the top of a steep mountain you must do a few things -

1) You must carefully choose the mountain that you climb,
so when you get to the top you will be happy to get there.

2) You must be prepared for the journey.

3) You must prepare yourself to make a strong effort,
and you must accept that it will be difficult.

4) You should ask the advice of someone who climbed before,
and then LISTEN to what they say to avoid danger.

5) You must be determined to do it no matter how hard it is or how long it takes.

6) You must try to understand as much as possible about how to do it safely before you try to do it.

7) If you plan properly, ask and listen to good advice, prepare yourself, have courage and patience - you can climb any mountain!

If you see a tall mountain that is difficult to climb,
and you want to be on the top of it NOW!

Then you do not understand the nature of the mountain,
and why it is there and how to get to the top.

If you run at the mountain in a great hurry,
and you are not prepared at all,
you will run out of energy before you are even half way to the top.

And if you don't know what you are doing,
you can fail and fall into great danger and harm.

You can do it! There is no need to be afraid.
But do yourself a favor - BE PREPARED.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Why Angels Cry

The angels dance and sing for you,
even when you are sleeping.
They take good care,
watch over you,
and try to keep from weeping.

Why do they weep you say?
Because of all the suffering they see everyday.

And the reason that they cry,
is humans hurt each other,
cause trouble and pain,
then suffer, then die.

The angels only want us to love.
To be kind and gentle,
like God above.

The angels know,
there is no need,
to harm anyone,
or do bad deeds.

They stand aside,
while we hurt each other,
with our greed, and vanity and pride.

But still they love us,
and try to help us.
To keep us safe from harm.

The only thing they can not do,
is keep us from harming some other.
If only we knew how pure is their love,
we would never, ever, hurt one another.

So here is how you can help.
Don't swear, or scream or yell.
And if you make one person smile today,
the angels will only say -

Thank God.
God Bless you,
and go happily on their way.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sun is Love

Love is like the Sun.

It shines down on you every day.

You do not ask for it.

You do not demand that the sun rise every morning.

But the Sun shines every day.

It shines in every way.

It shines whether you ask it to come out or not.

It comes out any way.

You go to sleep.

And you don't notice if the Sun will be there the next day.

But it is there, it is always there.

And it shines for you.

For each and every one of you.

For every human that does not feel so special.

It shines.

And it gives warmth and energy, the same for every one.

It does not discriminate.

It does not care if you are rich or poor.

It shines for all.

The same.

It loves you as equal.

The same sunshine as for the little flower.

The same sunshine for a city or a civilization.

It can not tell the difference.

It simply gives warmth and life to all that it shines upon.

Would'nt it be wonderful, if humans would notice,

that love and warmth are given the same,

to each and every one.

Love is Crap! (Warning may be offensive.)

Love is not always glorious and wonderful.
So for those of you frustrated by the treachery of losing your heart -
here is a rail against love (pretty harsh language),
so we can scream about the pain together!

OK you soft-bellied spineless pigs,
what the hell do you think love really is?

Come on!

Don't ask me to believe this drivel and whining.
PLEASE! Don't think I am as stupid as that.

Love is sex.
You fuck your brains out.
I don't care if I know you or even if I know your name.
All I care about is, do you know how to fuck?

If you have to take Viagra, get the hell out of here!

All I care about is -
Will you get me off?
Will you make me feel special?
Or have I wasted my time?

I could have bought a better time than you.

For $100 I could have the fantasy that I really want.
You a school girl, or a muscle-clad athelete.
It is all my fantasy and I get what I pay for.

Why should I trouble myself to try to get to know you?
As a person, not a body - what the hell is good with that?

Will that make you into a better fuck?

I don't think so.

We are both useless in making the fantasy of the other come true.

So why do we bother?
Why do we play the game?

Are we looking for fantasy?
or are we really looking for real love?

Answer that question and you WIN the game.

Dedicated to You

I am dedicated to you.

I may not be able yet to give you everything you want,
but what I can do is give you the promise,
that I will try my best to make you happy.

I may not be able to be with you right now,
but what I can do is tell you that,
I want to be with you more than anything.

I may not be able to make everything happen as fast as we want,
but what I can do is tell you,
I am trying to do everything as fast as I can.

I may not be able to make your life perfect in every way,
but what I can do is promise you,
to support you in every way that I can.

If a man has one million dollars and he gives $1,000,
it is very easy for him to do.
It means nothing because it is so easy to do.
If a man has $1,000 and he gives $900,
it means everything because he gives 90%
of what he has, which is very difficult to do.

I can not give a million dollars,
but I can give you as much as I can find.
If the banks did not demand it,
if the police did not demand it,
if I didn't have to pay rent and those things,
I could give 100% to you.

So you see, I adore you. I love you.
I love you more than anyone in the world can love you.
It is not a small thing.
This love I have for you is really great.

I am not the sexy young girl that really turns you on.
I am also not an evil person that wants to take advantage of you.
I am your soul mate, the one that loves you more than anyone else.

I am only a man that loves you, first, above all others.

And whatever I can find I will bring to you.

We may struggle.
We may be frustrated.
We may want more than we have.

But the thing that is true, that is pure and that is really wonderful,
is that we love each other.

No matter what happens that is the treasure.

That is the wonder, the meaning and the great beauty of life.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I Sing a Song

I sing a song of love for you,
having loved you for all ages.

I write a book of love for you,
that overflows its pages.

I could build an empire,
go to war,
fight through hell and fury.

I can sacrifice,
and hurt myself,
just so you won't worry.

I can make success,
or fail in disgrace,
and cry out to God in pain.

But even if,
I fall down hard,
I just would get up again.

There are so many things,
that I can do,
when I am in love with you.

The only thing I need,
you see,
is for you to be in love with me.

Look what you did to me!

I was cold.
I was alone.
I was afraid.

I was sad.
I was tired.
I was lonely.

I was hurt.
I was betrayed.
I was forgotten.

Then I met you.
And my heart exploded with love.
Look what you did to me!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Hole is a Mountain Upside Down

Whatever love was missing from your life before,
I will fill your heart with love now,
to make up for all you missed.

The missing love was like a big deep hole in your heart.
At first I only had a spoon.
And I took the spoon and began to put love into the hole.
It was pretty deep so I knew it might take me a long time to fill it up.

Now I have a shovel and each day I put in more and more love.
Soon I will have a bulldozer,
then I will be able to fill this hole in your heart,
with so much love that it will be completely full.

Then the hole will be gone forever.
But I will not stop there.
I will continue to pile love upon love.
Until there is a great mountain where the hole used to be.
A mountain built of love.

The Garden.

Come with me and we will build a garden.
A garden of light.
A garden of peace.
A garden of love.

In our garden will be the colors of truth.
The smell of happiness.
The beauty of ages,
to renew our souls.

We will walk hand in hand,
in our beautiful garden.
We will sit in the shade,
under a big glorious tree.

We will laugh,
we will play,
in our garden,
that we made.

From truth,
and light,
and happiness,
and love.

The Bunny and the Puppy

There once was a bunny. He was not an ordinary bunny. No, not at all. He was very different. Some thought he was really cool, others just thought he was crazy. He was always alone and it seemed as if he did not to care at all about almost anything. Even if he had troubles with some he met that did not like him, he didn't mind. He just went on about his business. There were plenty of other bunnies to play with and he could have a lot of fun with them, but soon they would go away to play with bunnies other than him. That was because, well ... that's the way bunnies are, they run around a lot and play with a lot of other bunnies, never staying in one place or with anyone very long.

Then one day, this bunny saw a puppy. Now this puppy was hanging out with a group of other puppies. They were all very cute. But this one special puppy was the cutest of them all. There was something very wonderful and different about him. He was really popular amongst the puppies, but the bunny noticed he was also very sad. The bunny wondered why the other puppies did not notice this one special puppy, who was so cute, was also a bit sad. Everyone knows that puppies like to hang out together in groups, even if they always tease each other and bite at each other's ears. That was because, well ... that is the way puppies are, they always run in packs, and they follow the leader who is not necessarily the best one, but who is the most dominant of the group. If the leader of the puppy group barks that all the others should do this or that, to act in one way or another, the funny thing is, that none of the puppies question this. They simply go along with the ideas of the leader, even if he gets his stupid ideas from watching TV.

But something happened on that day when the bunny saw the puppy, something special and wonderful. It was like a thing that happened that no one could predict and no one besides the bunny and puppy would understand. There is no explaining it. When the puppy and the bunny saw each other, well, they fell in love.

Nobody would understand why the bunny and the puppy were in love. So they decided to keep it a secret. Their love was even more special because it was a secret.

Now the bunny and the puppy live happily ever after, because they both know the meaning of true love. They don't care at all if others would not understand how a bunny could love a puppy. It is not important. The only thing that matters at all is that they love each other more than anything in the whole wide world.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Purple Love

Purple, purple love encircles.
Time is over, time is soon.
Take the time to find your love.
It is the only thing to do!

Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder

Truth is in the eye of the beholder,
beauty is sin deep.

Beware of all that follow any others,
there is no way of reason when you weep.

Silver Night and Heart Moon

I dreamed of a silver night.
The Moon was so bright.
The flowers exploded with hearts for you.
And I was in love, with you, only you.

Is it possible for the Moon to be so bright?
That loves shines through the night?

I don't know for sure,
if this is true,
but I know for certain,
that I am in love with you.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Happy Pillow

Happiness is being content with your life.
Understanding that there is great purpose in your existence.
That there is a reason that you are here.
And that you have a special thing you can contribute,
that makes you a better person,
and makes a better world.

If you find this reason,
you will find true happiness.
You will find you are important.
You will understand that life has meaning.

You will be content.
That you found your place in the world.
And you will be happy with who you are.