Prepare Your Heaven
Prepare Your Heaven
Life Review
This happens right before or right after you die.
The smallest things that you have forgotten
suddenly have much more significance.
suddenly have much more significance.
Especially the kindness you showed to others with no intent
of getting anything out of the experience, just giving your kindness that is
Dreams Are Real
The heaven you create is one of your own consciousness.
Dreams are practice for this experience.
We all have some nightmares.
We all have some beautiful dreams.
The "afterlife" is a dream state.
This is the simplest manifestation of experiences.
The thoughts we have, instantly becomes our reality.
This is magical and self-torture.
If the thoughts we have after living a full life are
wonderful and glorious -
heaven comes from those thoughts.
The people you love will be there in their most vibrant
youthful appearance, because heaven is timeless.
Your master teachers will be there like Yashua (Jesus), Mohammed,
or the Supreme Buddha.
Angels will be flying about so delighted that you came to join them.
The music will astound you.
It will take your breath away.
No worries, because there is no need to breathe in heaven
You fly.
To the greatest reaches of the multi-verse.
You are unlimited and unbounded.
Maybe, you wish to come back to Earth.
To finish, uncompleted business.
That is OK too.
It is your choice.