Sometimes Even the Catholics Get it Right
Here are a few things that Americans and others from developed countries can do to make a tremendous difference and help reverse the severe negative karma that they have created for themselves:
1) Buy only the food you can eat. If there are leftovers, eat them.
2) Ask for smaller portions at restaurants if you do not want to become obese. Do not "Super Size" anything.
3) Avoid sugar, which is an ingredient in over 90% of the things we eat. It is, in reality, a toxic poison for your system.
Here is what the Pope has to say:
The pontiff said that 'culture of waste' was especially deplorable given the prevalence of hunger in the world. VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis denounced what he called a “culture of waste” in an increasingly consumerist world and said throwing away good food was like stealing from poor people.
“Our grandparents used to make a point of not throwing away leftover food. Consumerism has made us accustomed to wasting food daily and we are unable to see its real value,” Francis said at his weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square. “Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry,” he said.
Since taking office, Pope Francis has said he wants the 1.2-billion-strong Roman Catholic Church to defend the poor and to practice greater austerity itself. He has also made several calls for global financial reform. Around 1.3 billion metric tonnes (1.43 billion tons) of food or one-third of what is produced for human consumption, gets lost or wasted every year, according to the United Nations’ food agency.
In the industrialized world, the majority of waste is by consumers, often because they buy too much and have to throw away what they do not manage to eat. A UN-backed study released yesterday said simple measures such as better storage and reducing over-sized portions would sharply reduce the vast amount of food going to waste.
In US restaurants, diners wasted nine percent of the meals they bought, partly because of a trend to increase the size of everything from cheeseburgers to soft drinks, said the report by the World Resources Institute and the UN Environment Program. Francis said the “culture of waste” was especially deplorable given the prevalence of hunger in the world.
The United Nations says hunger affects some 870 million people, while 2 billion suffer from at least one nutritional deficiency. The Argentinian-born pontiff warned that too much focus on money and materialism meant financial market dips were viewed as tragedies while human suffering had become normal and ignored. “In this way, people are discarded as if they were garbage,” he said.
Please ask yourself, very sincerely - Would you throw this child into the garbage?
The diet industry in America sells about US$ 20 billion of products each year to help over 100 million American people lose weight. Meanwhile, about HALF the other people in the world, around 3 billion, are very close to starving to death. The least you can do RIGHT NOW is to make a pledge to STOP WASTING FOOD!
1) Buy only the food you can eat. If there are leftovers, eat them.
2) Ask for smaller portions at restaurants if you do not want to become obese. Do not "Super Size" anything.
3) Avoid sugar, which is an ingredient in over 90% of the things we eat. It is, in reality, a toxic poison for your system.
Here is what the Pope has to say:
‘Wasting food is like stealing from the poor’
The pontiff said that 'culture of waste' was especially deplorable given the prevalence of hunger in the world. VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis denounced what he called a “culture of waste” in an increasingly consumerist world and said throwing away good food was like stealing from poor people.
“Our grandparents used to make a point of not throwing away leftover food. Consumerism has made us accustomed to wasting food daily and we are unable to see its real value,” Francis said at his weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square. “Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry,” he said.
Since taking office, Pope Francis has said he wants the 1.2-billion-strong Roman Catholic Church to defend the poor and to practice greater austerity itself. He has also made several calls for global financial reform. Around 1.3 billion metric tonnes (1.43 billion tons) of food or one-third of what is produced for human consumption, gets lost or wasted every year, according to the United Nations’ food agency.
In the industrialized world, the majority of waste is by consumers, often because they buy too much and have to throw away what they do not manage to eat. A UN-backed study released yesterday said simple measures such as better storage and reducing over-sized portions would sharply reduce the vast amount of food going to waste.
In US restaurants, diners wasted nine percent of the meals they bought, partly because of a trend to increase the size of everything from cheeseburgers to soft drinks, said the report by the World Resources Institute and the UN Environment Program. Francis said the “culture of waste” was especially deplorable given the prevalence of hunger in the world.
The United Nations says hunger affects some 870 million people, while 2 billion suffer from at least one nutritional deficiency. The Argentinian-born pontiff warned that too much focus on money and materialism meant financial market dips were viewed as tragedies while human suffering had become normal and ignored. “In this way, people are discarded as if they were garbage,” he said.
Please ask yourself, very sincerely - Would you throw this child into the garbage?