Seven New Ways to Be Politically Incorrect
Try these ways to have fun!
3. Call a suicide hotline and tell whoever answers that you decided life is still worth living, as long as you can stay with them. Ask their address and also if they can pay the taxi fare to the cab driver when you arrive. When they resist, say “OK. I guess I have to go ahead and jump.” Then scream as if you really did jump and hang up.
…and force all of your friends to call you “The Donald.” Tell them to look down your pants. Then say, “If you play with it; it’s going to be HUGE, believe me.” Then say, “I promised to bring more jobs back to America – blowjobs! Grab the nearest pussy and get back to work.” Make America Hard Again.
6. Do your part to fight the evil spread of socialism. Cancel your Facebook account and stop sending me those annoying updates about photos of your butt-ugly baby that you think is oh so cute.
7. In the Spanish language, we have this wonderful, beautiful, poetic phrase "Chinqadera Trump!"