The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lover's Rainbow

Do I love you?
Well, yes I do.

How can you be certain of this?

Let's examine the evidence.

Does your beloved love you all the time?

Does your beloved help you when you are in need?

Does your beloved sacrifice for you?

Does your beloved want what is best for you?

Are you admired by your beloved?

Does your beloved try to make you happy?

Most of all, if given the choice,
does your beloved choose you over anyone,
anything and choose you first even before himself?

Well, my dearest, sweetest one - you have the Proof of Love.
And that is the greatest treasure in this world.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Farm House

Live with me in a farm house,
and I will kiss you in the garden.

I will kiss you under the clear blue sky.
I will hold you warm by the fireplace.
I will cook a soup of love for you.
And serve you happiness everyday.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bunny Love

There is no way I can send you a poem,
that expresses the way I truly feel.

I can try to describe it.
I can try to explain it.
But it is still a bit of a mystery.

Because love is a mystery.
It is not predictable.
It is not explainable.
But we know when it is there.

The way we know for sure is from the most simple thing.
If we don't talk for a day, I really miss you and you miss me too.
When we talk, we don't have to talk about anything important,
or we may even have a disagreement.

It does not matter.
All that matters is that we are connected.
The connection between us is so important.

And that is what love is,
feeling each day that I wish to be part of your life,
and you wish to be part of mine.

That is the feeling we know.

That is the feeling of love.