The Vision

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Universe is Forever

A clock ticks -
Tick, tock.

A child plays with his feet,
wearing no socks.

Time flies,
the child cries.

He grows older,
and he does not know what to do.

There is nothing he can do to stop it.

He is the same as me and you.

And then one day,
he wakes up!
He sees the world with great wonder,
and as time passes he sees all there is.

He is calm now.
He is peaceful.
Because he knows,
the Universe is forever.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Definition of Love

If you love someone with all your heart,
of course you would do anything you can to help them,
and of course you want to give them all the things that make them happy.

But if you truly love someone in the deepest and most sincere way, you want to help them be stronger- to succeed and to be able to live upon their own strengths - with or without you.

This is a very difficult balance to achieve, to love a person so deeply without reservation and with full commitment and to not weaken the other person at the same time.

If you understand how great love of this kind is, you recognize this very delicate balance.
Then you begin to learn what I am talking about.

I will never abandon you.

I will always try to help you.

But I also know the best help that I can give to you
is to help you become so strong that you don't need me at all.

You may not understand at all what I am saying now,
but it will become truth to you as you begin to experience this, that I speak about.

And if you love me in that moment, when you don't need me anymore,
that is when I will know that I have succeeded in loving you in the greatest way possible.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dream Your Life Awake

How great it would be if in the morning you would rise.
You wake slowly in a bed so soft.
You feel so happy when the sun shines through the window.
You have no pain or worries.
You wake so calmly.
And to your great surprise you find me next to you.
And you say to yourself - why is he here?
He is not the one that excites me at all.
But then you remember that I am the one that loves you most of all.
And you go back to sleep, knowing I will wake up first,
as our time together is short - so it must be very special.

I will make you tea,
I will cook a nice breakfast.
I will serve you fresh fruits that I have grown with my own hands
and you will leave the house very happy
and wish all the world was as wonderful as
the special world we have created together.

And you will drive away in your nice new car,
and go to your work,
and to your super model girlfriend -
and all the time you will remember me.
Because I am the one dedicated to your dreams.

So every time you sleep,
dream of this,
and one day you will awake,
and you will find ALL your dreams have come true.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Song I Sing

I sing the song of love for you.
It is as old as the ages.

I write my heart love to you,
in all these endless pages.

I try with all my might,
to get every word exactly right.

But words do fail,
they are not able,
to sing my love to you.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Love is True

Do you love me?

Yes you do!

Do I love you?

Yes I do!

This is what is so great!

You love me and I love you!


Saturday, January 05, 2008

How GREAT is Love?

Do you REALLY KNOW how much I love you?

Are you sure you know EXACTLY what this means?

Well if you wonder about love from me -

about how strong it is,

about how wonderful it is,

about how colorful it is,

and about how sincere it is.

Well .......

just look

and you will see,

I love you and you love me!

Friday, January 04, 2008

What is true love?

Simple question.

Complex answer.

True love puts up with gigantic amounts of sadness and disappointment.

True love accepts all the bullshit.

True love prevails in spite of sadness, disappointment and bullshit.

If you are the receiver of true love you are very lucky -

If you are the giver of true love you are raised above all others.