The Vision
There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he traveled very far, very far, over land and sea. And then one day, he came my way. And this he said to me. "The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return".
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Love Box

Is the love in my heart big enough for you?
Can I love you in a nicer way?
Can I love you more?
I am overcome by love for you.
I want to love you more.
I want to love you in a nicer way.
I want my heart to explode with love for you.
I want to hold you and touch you,
and be right next to you.
I want to be your breath.
I want to be your life.
I may not have everything you want.
I may not be everything you need.
I am not perfect, I am only one simple man.
But my heart is pure.
My love is great.
It is all I have to give.
I wrap it up in a big box,
with a bright yellow bow.
A box filled with sunshine,
and the happiness of love.
Friday, January 20, 2006
A Conversation with Death

What do you tell Death when he comes knocking?
Do you say,"Get out! You crusty old fart, I am not ready yet!"
Or do you accept your game is over and glide into a slow somber sleep.
What do you say when death comes knocking on your door?
Do you cry and scream? Not me! Not me!
Do you ask Death to take someone else instead.
What do you say?
When your number is up and the time is ripe,
if he interrupts your fine supper,
you'd have every reason to gripe.
You are lucky if you see Death coming,
and are not be taken by surprise.
But what do you say to Death,
when he looks into your eyes?
How bony you are sir!
How cold is your touch!
You carry a sickle,
but nothing for lunch.
Why should I go with you?
Where may you take me?
Open up the pearly gates,
God, please do not forsake me!
Well, Death is really quite a rude bastard.
He has nothing at all to say.
Once he comes for you in silence,
he never goes away.
So when Death comes knocking on your door.
Say nothing,
go in peace,
to the land of Nevermore.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Castle on Air

I will build a castle on air, for you, my prince,
so I may sit at your side.
I will lay down my life for you, my prince.
Fighting demons and dragons with pride.
Ask of me what you will.
I will do all that and more still.
The earth will tremble when you walk.
The girls will faint when you talk.
And I will always be true to you.
It is the only thing that I can do.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Love is a Rainbow

Love is a rainbow, glistening in the surf
that washes onto the shores of the heart.
It caresses the soft golden sand of the soul,
going out once again to renew and return once more.
Both ever present and eluding, never far away,
yet impossible to grasp.
To catch a glimpse of love, is the twinkle of an eye.
Behold its sacredness and you see the face of God.
In each and every person you encounter, the seed of love is there.
When it grows, its magnificence abounds,
beyond the reaches of time or space.
It is everywhere, it is no where, amidst, and in-between the lines.
In the silence of the moment,
find love in your beloved.
This is beyond all treasure.
It is this spirit of living energy,
that your heart does embrace.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Light Door

Once you enter, there is no turning back.
It is a one way passage down a long corridor,
with many side doors on this,
or that "other",
As you pass each side door, you will tempted to look inside.
You may even be beckoned to divert from the path
of the long, white, corridor.
And you choose.
Why not?
Diversion overcomes the boredom of a simple pure walk down
the long, white, corridor.
So you choose a side door and you enter.
You will go on a really wide ride.
Your head spinning.
Your mind reeling.
There is the nagging feeling,
of something you should notice.
But you are not sure what it is.
And you suspect, at all times, somehow, from somewhere,
you are being watched.
The diversion can be good or bad.
That is up to your own personal perspective.
But once its time has passed, you will finally see
an emergency exit door.
Having completely experienced all that you may,
from this choice you have made,
with great relief,
you will find yourself once again,
in the long, white, corridor.
It's time to move on.
No matter how much you wish to stop walking,
you are not able to keep from putting one foot in front of the other.
You trudge on.
More easily, you may pass the side doors now,
having a stronger awareness of where they might lead.
You may take as many side doors as you like,
but they all lead right back to where you already are.
So, now you are more calm, not quite as curious as before,
when you first stepped through the door.
You arrive at another door, but this one is in the middle of the corridor.
It is the first one you have encountered, that is directly in your path.
With some hesitation, you open it, and step through.
You step from childhood with this step.
It is not an easy step to take.
In fact, you may stand on the threshold for a very long time.
You may stay as irresponsible and immature for as long as you want.
But you will never become the child again.
Eventually you give up the resistance.
And you step through.
If you are lucky, there is some beautiful person, so important to you,
waving you on.
Now you notice many side doors open and
what delights you see inside!
Lots of indulgences,
lots of wonderful tastes,
many things to experience,
the sweet however, comes with the bitter.
If you have a decent attitude, everything works out just fine.
If you don't, well that's not my fault.
I did not make up the rules.
Follow the person who means the most to you,
down the long, white, corridor.
If you are able to follow them very closely,
and not lose them by distraction,
they will lead you home.
When you come upon doors in the middle of the corridor,
count the seasons of your life as you step through each one.
Just like you expect, there is only one door at the very end of
the long, white, corridor.
And there is absolutely nothing you can do,
to stop from going through this final door.
Do not linger on the threshold of this door,
that can be the most slow, agonizing way to go.
Step through boldly!
And when you do, tell me what you see and if you see me there.
Today I am in Love With You!

If I was rich and famous, I would still be in love with you.
If I was poor and abandoned, I would still be in love with you.
If I lived in a palace, I would still be in love with you.
If I lived as homeless, I would still be in love with you.
If I was kind and considerate, I would still be in love with you.
If my heart was full of malice, I would still be in love with you.
If I was young and so handsome, I would still be in love with you.
If I was old and decrepit, I would still be in love with you.
If I was excited and enthusiastic, I would still be in love with you.
If I was tired and exhausted, I would still be in love with you.
If I was sickly and disgusting, I would still be in love with you.
If I lay in bed with no legs or arms, I would still be in love with you.
If death was knocking on the door, I would still be in love with you.
No matter what, I can press on until tomorrow because .......
Today, I am in love with you!